Lottery rules

St Barnabas House hospice is part of a charity known as St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd (see point 17 below).

All profits from St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Lottery go directly towards funding our hospice charity services which help and support patients and their families and carers. We offer these services at no cost to our patients and families.

  1. Players must be 18 years old or over and a resident of Great Britain. Players will not be accepted from Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.
  2. There will be 50 guaranteed weekly prize winners. The weekly prizes will be allocated as follows: First prize: £1,000, Second prize: £250, Third Prize: £100, 10 x £10 prizes, 37 x £5 prizes.
  3. The cost of each weekly entry into the lottery is £1, payable in advance.
  4. New members will be sent a welcome letter advising them of their randomly selected draw number(s) and a personal membership number.
  5. Payments can be made by either direct debit, standing order, cheque or debit card.
  6. If a member wishes to have more than 10 entries per week or wishes to purchase single tickets exceeding the value of £100 in a bumper draw, this will be referred to the Lottery Manager for approval.
  7. The draw will normally take place each Friday. All subscriptions received by close of business the working day prior to the draw at a minimum of £1 per week payable in advance will be entered into the weekly draw using the unique draw number. If the usual draw day falls on a Bank Holiday the draw will be postponed until the following working day. Each of the weekly winners are selected at random by our secure computer software.
  8. In the event of insolvency any future advance payments that a supporter has made are not covered and a supporter will not be able to access these funds.
  9. Prize winners are notified by post within 1 week of the draw taking place. This will include the relevant prize cheque made payable in the name of the entrant only.
  10. Weekly winning numbers are published in the local press and on our websites and They are also read out on More radio usually on the day of the draw. The results will also be displayed in all of our hospice shops.
  11. It is the responsibility of the member to advise us of any change of address or any other membership contact details deemed necessary. St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd will not be liable for any failure or inability to contact any entrant due to any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the contact details. Prize cheques are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Unclaimed prize cheques after this period will be treated as a donation to hospice general funds.
  12. We promise to comply with all Data Protection Act requirements and protect your personal data in line with our privacy policy.
  13. Lottery membership payments are not eligible for gift aid.
  14. St Barnabas Hospices Lottery cannot accept liability for the loss of or delays in or theft of any communication sent by post, email or fax, nor for any delays in the banking system.
  15. Membership cancellation can be carried out at any time although those received after 12:00 hours on a Wednesday may not be actioned until after the weekly draw. To cancel please contact the office on 01903 871842 or email us on If members cancel, we will refund to them the amount they are in credit at the time of cancellation if requested (subject to the ‘receiving before 1200 hours Wednesday’ condition). This will be sent to the named member by cheque within 7 working days.
  16. We reserve the right not to accept an application, or to cancel an existing subscription without giving reason and at our absolute discretion.
  17. Members will be part of the St Barnabas Hospices Lottery covering both St Barnabas House adult hospice and Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice. The allocation of funds will depend on which membership form has been completed. There is a different application form for each hospice.
  18. St Barnabas Hospices Lottery will, where appropriate, carry out checks to verify that players are aged 18 years old or over, if necessary including seeking confirmation from relevant Agencies who can provide such information.
  19. Should a prize winner be found to be under the age of 18 we will refund their money and withhold the prize.
  20. Members wishing to self-exclude can do so by contacting the Lottery Office but will not be able to rejoin the UK lottery for a period of 6 months from the date of self-exclusion.
  21. All complaints or disputes will be dealt with in accordance with our policy, a copy of which is available from the Lottery Office. In the event that a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved then it will be referred to arbitration. As we are a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association this will be The Independent Betting Arbitration Service (IBAS).
  22. St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd. is assisted in operating its lottery by an External Lottery Manager (“ELM”), The Woods Group Limited of Lansdowne House, Bumpers Way, Chippenham SN14 6NG, who is licensed by the Gambling Commission
  23. St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd. is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association This organisation makes a financial contribution on behalf of their members to the Responsible Gambling Trust. The Hospice Lotteries Association website has a page dedicated to the responsible Gambling Trust and also GAMCARE the leading organisation that provides practical help to problem gamblers. Further assistance can be found on the Gamble Aware website
  24. St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions without notice.
  25. Registered Charity No. 256789 Lottery Licence No. 000-004684-N-304773-009 Promoter: St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd Responsible Manager: Rebecca Jupp and Rachel Paisley Registered address: St Barnabas Hospices (Sussex) Ltd, Titnore Lane, Goring by Sea, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 6NZ. We are registered as a company in England and the registered company number is 930107. Licensed by the Gambling Commission –

Your Entry

0 chance per week

Top prize


Win one of 50 prizes

2nd prize £250

3rd prize £100

Runners up £10 x 10

And £5 x 37

£1 per play

Enter now!